(Since the photo is so small, click here for a larger image.)
SDA Youth Pastor Alden J. Ho, also a professional photographer, captioned the photo with: "Mock up end-times hunt for Sabbathkeepers."
At the very least, it is astonishingly dysfunctional that a church leader would dramatically pre-enact a terrifying prophetic massacre of their people. Can you imagine a Jewish prophet of the 20th century getting together a group of Jews and pre-enacting the Holocaust? Not to warn them to get out of Germany, but just to prepare them for the gas chambers? Or an Old Testament prophet re-enacting the slaughter of Jerusalem and the Babylonian Captivity, not as a warning to repent and turn from their wicked ways, but just to prepare them for the tortures and persecution and martyrdom?
You see Adventists don't see this persecution as punishment from God, not as something they can prepare for and avoid. No, their prophetess Ellen White, had a vision and foretold that because they kept the correct Sabbath, because of their obedience to God, that all other Christians will vent Satan's wrath upon the SDA remnant. Adventists will be hunted down and martyred for keeping Sabbath. Every Christian who continues to disobey God by going to church and worshipping God on Sunday (which they believe is the wrong day to worship) is going to receive the Mark of the Beast.
This recent Adventist theatrical pre-enactment tells us, out here in non-SDA land, that despite their persuasive declaration that the church is no longer fearmongering its youth about other Christians and that it has dropped ridiculous and unbiblical last-day prophecies, that some Adventist church leaders are back to the old scare tactics. "Stay safely inside Adventism, all other Christians are some day going to come after you, torture and martyr you." (Well, actually the word safe to them means eternally, spiritually safe because obviously your physical bodies are going to come to great harm for being SDA.....)
It is tragic, though that the SDA church still considers Ellen White a prophetess (or more technically, they use the term "messenger") and as you can witness, still perpetuates her horror stories as truth.
The good news, the very good news is that this prophesied hunt for sabbathkeepers is a delusion of a mentally ill 19th-century woman who sustained a serious head injury that brought on religious hallucinations. So, those who have been taught this anti-christian and anti-biblical prophecy, we call upon you to jettison those Adventist nightmares foisted upon your imagination by well-meaning leaders.
Replace fears of false prophesies with the truth of a loving, merciful and forgiving Father. It is enough for you as Christian youth to take up your cross daily and follow Christ in a world that bombards you with constant temptations today! Find your true rest in Jesus, our blessed Lord, and remember that the Bible says that love casts away fear. Adventist doctrine creates fear: fear of sudden judgement, fear of other Christians, fear of last-day tortures. This is not from God.
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Is. 41: 10Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye maya be also. John 14: 1-3