Thursday, October 23, 2008


Dear Teresa,

I don't think you realize just how special this book is for so many of us! Your book has a beautiful cover, a catchy and "snagging" title, is sold in a public venue, and is written carefully and thoroughly. This makes it versatile in using with people who wouldn't otherwise pick up. I have a deep burden for reaching out to Adventists. Stepping into freedom in Christ meant the whole world to me, and I know so many who are where I was and are struggling to find/be found by God. My pastor friend who I'm presenting for here, thinks that God has plans to do something big in this area...and thinks God has plans for me. I don't see how that will happen right now...I'm just an over-tired stay-at-home mom...but, I can hand out books...and if that's my mission, that I can handle! :) So, all that to say that having your book feels like a God send specifically to me. It deals with everything like no other book out there. So...always believe that the money and time and commitment you gave of yourself to God...will have a purpose and a meaning! While financially you may not feel like you will be repaid for it in this life (though I have a feeling you will see quite a volume of sales as more and more people get their hands on it) always remember that each person who reads it, and is rescued from Adventism, is a person who is forever indebted to you and the sacrifices for Christ that you've made. You are a giant of faith to me (and others I know) and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Blessings In Christ!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Gratitude to God for Book Acheivement


It's Okay NOT to be a Seventh-day Adventist has hit ranking number 3,920. (ON all days---October 22! That's funny.) Keep in mind that it started out at 500,000 of 2+MILLION books Amazon has on its website.

It is also on the Bestselling Protestant Book list

# 6 is Joel Osteen's, Becoming a Better You (ranking no. 1300 for all books.)
# 8 is Beth Moore's, Get Out of That Pit (ranking no. 2154 for all books.)
# 16 is Arthur and Teresa Beem's, It's Okay NOT to be a Seventh-day Adventist (ranking no. 3920 for all books!)

Well, I overwhelmed. The numbers go up and down hourly at Amazon. So I know it will soon be back down, but I have to stop and praise the Lord for how high the numbers hit today. THANK YOU LORD