Yes, He did and we can prove it Biblically, with a little help from our Jewish friends.
This is a bit technical so I am going to try and write this as clearly and simply as possible.
This is a bit technical so I am going to try and write this as clearly and simply as possible.
The Hebrews were given fixed Sabbath holy days--weekly, monthly and yearly. These were not suggested but commanded by God.
A Weekly Sabbath
Weekly Sabbaths are not our focus. Controversies surround whether early Israel kept a lunar/solar calendar of time rather than the Roman cycle of weeks independent of heavenly rhythms and I don’t want to argue which one is important for Christians in this discussion.
Just keep in mind that weekly Sabbaths were for Israel to rest. There are debates about Lev. 23's call for a sacred assembly on the weekly Sabbath, as being strictly for the wilderness period-- that once Israel occupied its tribal territories that a weekly holy assembly was no longer required by God for all Israel. (For the logistics of travel.) The tradition of meeting on Sabbath in local synagogues came much later and without a direct written command in scripture. The weekly Sabbath was for rest, not church services.
A Weekly Sabbath
Weekly Sabbaths are not our focus. Controversies surround whether early Israel kept a lunar/solar calendar of time rather than the Roman cycle of weeks independent of heavenly rhythms and I don’t want to argue which one is important for Christians in this discussion.
Just keep in mind that weekly Sabbaths were for Israel to rest. There are debates about Lev. 23's call for a sacred assembly on the weekly Sabbath, as being strictly for the wilderness period-- that once Israel occupied its tribal territories that a weekly holy assembly was no longer required by God for all Israel. (For the logistics of travel.) The tradition of meeting on Sabbath in local synagogues came much later and without a direct written command in scripture. The weekly Sabbath was for rest, not church services.
Monthly Sabbaths (New Moons)
Sound the ram's horn at the New Moon, and when the moon is full, on the day of our Feast. Ps.81:3
While Israel was in the desert, God appointed many different feasts, all which bore a holy significance.They were sabbaths in that Israel was not supposed to work, but these monthly and annual sabbath days were different in that they were commanded to hold sacred assemblies of worship. The New Moon festivals were not called Sabbaths, but were closely associated with them and were regulated in the same way as weekly and annual Sabbaths.
Also at your times of rejoicing--your appointed feasts and New Moon festivals--you are to sound the trumpets over your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, and they will be a memorial for you before your God." Numbers 10:10
Please note how the New Moon feasts were also a memorial to Israel just as the 7th-day weekly sabbaths were. Adventists need to note that all Sabbaths--weekly, monthly and yearly sabbaths included were memorials to creation.
They were not to buy or sell on the New Moons:
"When will the New Moon be over that we may sell grain, and the Sabbath be ended that we may market wheat?" Amos 8:5
This is what the Sovereign LORD says: The gate of the inner court facing east is to be shut on the six working days, but on the Sabbath day and on the day of the New Moon it is to be opened. Eze. 46:1
This was a time of appointed corporate worship with prescribed festival offerings:
With each bull there is to be a drink offering of half a hin of wine; with the ram, a third of a hin; and with each lamb, a quarter of a hin. This is the monthly burnt offering to be made at each new moon during the year. Num. 28: 14
See also I Chr. 23: 31; 2 Chr. 8:12; Ezra 3:5; Neh. 10:33; Ezek. 45:16; 46:6
God became weary of these assemblies when Israel was idolatrous:
Bring your worthless offerings no longer, Incense is an abomination to Me. New moon and sabbath, the calling of assemblies - I cannot endure iniquity and the solemn assembly. Your New Moon festivals and your appointed feasts my soul hates. Isa. 1: 13, 14
Even in its negative sense we can see that the New Moon assemblies were holy assemblies that had been commanded by God.
From Judaism 101, we read:
"The day after the moon appeared was a festival, announced with the sounding of the shofar, commemorated with solemn convocations, family festivities and special sacrifices.
From Judaism 101, we read:
"The day after the moon appeared was a festival, announced with the sounding of the shofar, commemorated with solemn convocations, family festivities and special sacrifices.
The importance of this holiday in ancient times should not be underestimated. The entire calendar was dependent upon these declarations; without the declarations, there would be no way of knowing when holidays were supposed to occur. In later days, however, the calendar was fixed by mathematical calculations. After he destruction of the Temple, sacrifices were no longer available."
The Hebrew calendar has an annual average of 2. 6 New Moon festivals (Rosh Chodesh) that occur on Sunday. If we assume the Jewish calendar has remained fixed, (as Adventists claim--we are not claiming that, however) we can take that calendar back and find that during the life of Jesus there were 87 Rosh Chodesh/New Moon Holy days that occurred on Sunday.
If Jewish boys, age twelve and older, were required to keep the New Moon festivals, then Jesus would have gone to these mandatory corporate holy assemblies 53 times in his life--on SUNDAY.
For those interested this is a breakdown of the estimates, assuming Christ was born in AD 3.
If Jewish boys, age twelve and older, were required to keep the New Moon festivals, then Jesus would have gone to these mandatory corporate holy assemblies 53 times in his life--on SUNDAY.
For those interested this is a breakdown of the estimates, assuming Christ was born in AD 3.
Sunday Rosh Chodesh Months
AD 3: Sivan, Cheshvan,
AD 4: Adar, Tammuz, Kislev
AD 5: Adar, Tammuz, Kislev
AD 6: Iyyar, Elul
AD 7: Adar, Tammuz, Kislev
AD 8: Adar, Tammuz, Kislev
AD 8: Adar, Tammuz, Kislev
AD 9: Iyyar, Elul,
AD 10: None
AD 11: Adar, Tammuz, Kislev
AD 12: Iyyar, Tevet, Elul
AD 13: Iyyar
AD 14: Adar, Tammuz, Kislev
AD 15: Iyyar, Elul
Jesus turns 12 approx. this year
AD 16: Iyyar, Elul
AD 17: Sivan, Chehhvan
AD 18: Nisan, Tevet
AD 19: Iyyar, Elul
AD 20: Cheshvan,
AD 21: Adar, Tammuz, Kislev
AD 22: Nisan, Elul, Tevet
AD 23: Sivan, Cheshvan
AD 24: Adar, Sivan, Chestvan
AD 25: Nisan, Elul, Tevet,
AD 26: Iyyar, Elul
AD 27: Adar, Sivan, Cheshvan
AD 28: Adar, Tammuz, Kislev
AD 29: Nisan, Elul, Tevet
AD 30: Sivan, Cheshvan
AD 31: Adar, Tammuz, Kislev
AD 32: Adar, Tammuz, Kislev
AD 33: Iyyar, Elul
AD 34: Adar, Tammuz, Kislev
AD 35: Adar, Kislev
AD 36: Iyyar, Tevet, Elul
As you can see, even if the dates shift a few years, this same 2.6 Sunday New Moons will remain. These are the months that Jesus would have celebrated a holy day on Sunday.
Annual Sabbaths
The men of Israel were commanded to assemble at Jerusalem’s Temple three times a year for sacrifices.
These mandatory holy convocations followed a seasonal timeframe. The first appointed feasts coincide with the spring harvests and the second with the late harvests. This is significant because this cycle will parallel the giving of the Old and New Covenant. That will be explained more fully later.
These mandatory holy convocations followed a seasonal timeframe. The first appointed feasts coincide with the spring harvests and the second with the late harvests. This is significant because this cycle will parallel the giving of the Old and New Covenant. That will be explained more fully later.
The annual Sabbaths are even more telling, because these were called “sabbaths” directly by God.
Spring Sabbaths
Spring Sabbaths
Passover/Pesach (Ex. 12: 14-20, Num. 28: 16-25, Dt. 16: 1-8)
These are the LORD's appointed feasts, the sacred assemblies you are to proclaim at their appointed times: The LORD's Passover begins at twilight...On the first day hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work. For seven days present an offering made to the LORD by fire. And on the seventh day hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work. Lev. 23: 4-8
Watch how the holy convocations (some translate it sacred assemblies) are on the first and seventh day of the holy week cycle. This is going to be extremely important. This early cycle of holy days are a week long and begin and end with a holy convocation--a mandatory sacred Sabbath assembly of worshipping God. The first and seventh day are holy. Note that the Passover Sabbath holy convocations can occur on two successive Sundays. Again, the days were to be kept holy and rest, although they were commanded to have a holy convocation--public and communal devotions. Something not commanded of the weekly sabbath.
During Christ’s lifetime approx. AD 3 to 36 there were 18 Passovers that were on SUNDAY! Thirteen of them occurred after he was twelve. So we know that on thirteen different Sundays, Jesus was resting AND worshipping corporately on Sunday. This Sunday Sabbath was mandatory.
Pentecost/Shavu’ot (Feast of Weeks)
From the day after the Sabbath, the day you brought the sheaf of the wave offering, count off seven full weeks. Count off fifty days up to the day after the seventh Sabbath, and then present an offering of new grain to the LORD...On that same day you are to proclaim a sacred assembly and do no regular work. This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live. Lev. 23: 15-21
Certain Jews and Christians today use a calendar system that fixes Pentecost fifty days after the weekly Sabbath which would make it a perpetual Sunday Sabbath. And we can say with confidence that Jesus attended at least twenty of them during His adulthood. But for the Jews who use the fifty days from the Passover annual Sabbath (not fixed to a day of the week) we offer the following:
Pentecost/ Shavu’ot occurred on a Sunday nine times and four after Jesus turned twelve. Pentecost occurred on Sunday in the year 6, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19, 26, 33, 36.
Autumn Sabbaths
Feast of Trumpets/ Rosh Hashanah
On the first day of the seventh month you are to have a day of rest, a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blasts. Do no regular work, but present an offering made to the LORD by fire. Lev. 23: 23-25
There were seven Sundays that required a sabbath rest and a sacred assembly during Christ’s life, five after he turned twelve. The years a Sunday Sabbath occurred was in AD: 3, 10, 20, 23, 24, 27, 30.
Day of Atonement /Yom Kipper
According to current Jewish calendar systems the Day of Atonement cannot occur on a Sunday. If Israel followed a lunar calendar, it also could never occur on the first day of the week--as it is on a fixed tenth day of the month.
According to current Jewish calendar systems the Day of Atonement cannot occur on a Sunday. If Israel followed a lunar calendar, it also could never occur on the first day of the week--as it is on a fixed tenth day of the month.
Feast of Tabernacles/ Sukkot
On the fifteenth day of the seventh month the LORD's Feast of Tabernacles begins, and it lasts for seven days. The first day is a sacred assembly; do no regular work. For seven days present offerings made to the LORD by fire, and on the eighth day hold a sacred assembly and present an offering made to the LORD by fire. It is the closing assembly; do no regular work. These are the LORD's appointed feasts, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies for bringing offerings made to the LORD ....This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come Lev. 23: 34-41
During Christ’s life this sacred assembly, listed by God as an official “Sabbath” occurred on Sunday in the years AD: 3, 10, 23, 27, 30 and Christ would have attended the last three of these.
At the very least Christ would have attended 25 Sunday Sabbaths in his lifetime and 53 Holy Day (New Moon) assemblies on Sunday.
So what is the big deal? Why do all this research for something so inconsequential? Because the Seventh-day Adventist Church has always taught that those who attend church on Sunday in the last days will receive the Mark of the Beast. They call Sunday the “false sabbath” and claim there is no precedent in scripture to make Sunday a holy day.
Here it is.... Jesus attended corporate worship--SUNDAY Sabbaths many times in His life. So to my former SDA friends out there who occasionally still wake up in the night with cold panics and have nightmares of fear, be at peace!
Jesus kept Sunday Sabbaths and it is surely never going to be against His will to do so. Jesus is our Sabbath today and everyday. With joy attend Sunday services in honor of His resurrection knowing with confidence that Jesus also kept Sunday Sabbath.
At the very least Christ would have attended 25 Sunday Sabbaths in his lifetime and 53 Holy Day (New Moon) assemblies on Sunday.
So what is the big deal? Why do all this research for something so inconsequential? Because the Seventh-day Adventist Church has always taught that those who attend church on Sunday in the last days will receive the Mark of the Beast. They call Sunday the “false sabbath” and claim there is no precedent in scripture to make Sunday a holy day.
Here it is.... Jesus attended corporate worship--SUNDAY Sabbaths many times in His life. So to my former SDA friends out there who occasionally still wake up in the night with cold panics and have nightmares of fear, be at peace!
Jesus kept Sunday Sabbaths and it is surely never going to be against His will to do so. Jesus is our Sabbath today and everyday. With joy attend Sunday services in honor of His resurrection knowing with confidence that Jesus also kept Sunday Sabbath.
Now here is the best part of the whole thing.
Remember the Spring cycle of Sabbaths (Passover) had a week cycle with the mandatory high sabbaths occurring on the first and the seventh day. This is really significant, because of its symbolism of the Old Covenant.
The Old Covenant was on a cycle of seven with the idea of “seven” being completion.
The Old Covenant was on a cycle of seven with the idea of “seven” being completion.
As Christ became our Passover-- the Autumn cycle of Sabbaths set in motion the New Covenant. This is not my opinion but Jewish scholars who believe Jesus was the Messiah point this out.
The Feast of the Tabernacles, according to Judaism 101 is known as the Season of Rejoicing! Note from scripture:
The Feast of the Tabernacles, according to Judaism 101 is known as the Season of Rejoicing! Note from scripture:
The first day is a sacred assembly; do no regular work. For seven days present offerings made to the LORD by fire, and on the eighth day hold a sacred assembly and present an offering made to the LORD by fire. It is the closing assembly; do no regular work.
In this post-Cross season, the first and eighth day are Sabbaths with a sacred assembly. It’s ending Sabbath is the day AFTER the Sabbath of the earlier Spring cycle.
Spring cycle: 1st sabbath day--5 days of festivities--7th-day closing sabbath.
Autumn cycle: 1st sabbath day--6 days of festivities--8th-day closing sabbath.
The Spring cycle is a perfect seven day week--one complete and perfect cycle. For all Israel, using today's week, that would put both sabbaths on a Saturday.
The Autumn cycle is a perfect seven day week--one complete and perfect cycle but a new day is added to it! The beginning of a new week. That would make the second, the eighth day Sabbath on a Sunday!
DAY ONE of the next week is the new Sabbath.
Sets of sevens were used through out the old testament as a time of cleansing, growth, and of a perfect completion. Then the next day, the first day after the fulfilling of the seven day cycle is called the eighth day in scripture. The cycle of cleansing and growth is complete and this eighth day then shows the new life, the pure and mature life is beginning. Even thought the 1st day and the 8th day are the same day of the week, the eighth day symbolism is rich with New Covenant and Messianic symbols.
Hebrew baby boys were circumcised on the eighth day, the cycle of seven was completed and the covenant was initiated the first day of the next cycle. (Lev. 12:3; Phil. 3:5) Many ritualistic cleansing of leprosy and menstrual flows are cycles of seven days, then on the eighth day, you are discharged from your cleansing cycle to start anew.
The eighth day is the day of a new creation as it is the fulfillment of the old cycle, a day you are set at liberty. Other eighth day references that support this are: Ex. 22:30; Lev. 9:1/14: 10, 23/ 15: 14, 29 / 22:27; Num. 6:10.
Jesus fulfilled the Old Covenant cycle and He initiated the first/eighth day for the New Covenant. It is the symbol that harkens back to creation and the first day pronouncement of “let there be light.” It is in our current calendar week, Sunday! The eighth day of a new covenant and a new creation is Sunday. The entire Spring and Summer holy festival seasons are set up to show that the seventh day would later become the eighth day Sabbath.
So we can be especially confident when we worship on Sunday. Not only did Jesus keep Sunday as a Sabbath many times in His life, but the entire annual cycle of festivals ended in a eighth day (not seventh day) Sabbath. That wasn’t accidental.
While our Seventh-day Adventists friends will never accept this and will devalue the argument, I didn’t write this for them. It is for those who have left Adventism and still fear that going to church on Sunday may be wrong and that someday you will receive the mark of the beast if you celebrate the Lord’s resurrection day.
Have courage and fear not. Jesus kept Sundays as Sabbaths and in obedience to His Father’s command attended corporate worship services on that day. When we are in Christ, when we are His children, then any day of the week is a great day to corporately worship.
In the end, all Sabbaths, on Saturdays or Sundays, all pointed to the ONE in whom we have rest. Behold! The Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world. He is now our Sabbath rest. (And that means Sunday too! Wink!)