Thursday, March 17, 2011

Gilbert Jorgensen's Testimony

I think it is important to emphasize that we are not attacking our precious Adventist friends. It is false and toxic teachings that we are exposing.

I have many dear Adventist friends and relatives. I have man
y fond memories of church potlucks, nature hikes, church campouts, and other bonding experiences. Practically all of my elementary, academy and college education was in the SDA educational system. I grew up at Andrews University where my father was a professor there. My grandparents were the first white teachers at Oakwood College when racism was rampant. Our family grew up with a missionary mindset, and my parents taught me what their Adventist parents taught them, and their parents taught them, and so on. I was a sixth-generation Adventist for 54 years.

The 3Q2006 Adult Sabbath School Quarterly, "The Gospel, 1844, and Judgment"[1], was God's wakeup call to me. I studied intensively, covering my quarterly with so many notes that in places there was no place else to write. I concluded that the whole 1844 concept was utter nonsense -- unsupportable from Scripture. I studied every waking hour, both the Bible and the original SDA archives. I was in shock. I could not believe how I had been dupped. Probably a third of the sizable professional adult Sabbath School class was arriving at the same conclusion. We were a class that thrived on being Bible Bereans, and if we were totally honest with the facts, there simply was no way to historically or grammatically arrive at Adventism's cultic 1844 conclusions. It is utter nonsense. Dr. Raymond Cottrell[2], the editor of the SDA Bible Commentary for Daniel and Revelation, before his death stated in his landmark publication, "Sanctuary Doctrine, Asset or Liability"[3], that he agreed. There is no Biblical support for this SDA duckbilled platypus.

Dr. Raymond Cottrell valiantly attempted with the leading Bible scholars to find some support -- any support -- for this teaching.

He states,

"In 1958 the Review and Herald Publishing Association needed new printing plates for the classic book Bible Readings, and it was decided to revise it where necessary to agree with the Commentary. Coming again to the Book of Daniel I determined to try once more to find a way to be absolutely faithful to both Daniel and the traditional Adventist interpretation of 8:14, but again found it impossible. I then formulated six questions regarding the Hebrew text of the passage and its context, which I submitted to every college teacher versed in Hebrew and every head of the religion department in all of our North American colleges---all personal friends of mine. Without exception they replied that there is no linguistic or contextual basis for the traditional Adventist interpretation of Daniel 8:14.36

When the results of this questionnaire were called to the attention of the General Conference president, he and the Officers appointed the super-secret Committee on Problems in the Book of Daniel, of which I was a member. Meeting intermittently for five years (1961-1966), we considered 48 papers relative to Daniel 8 and 9, and in the spring of 1966 adjourned sine die, unable to reach a consensus."

If we see a friend start to drink physical poison it would be the height of irresponsibility to stand idly by, and say nothing. We are our "brother's keeper." It is by this that we show our love. Our friend might vehemently disagree with us, but if we have done our research, if we truly love them we are going to plead with them to examine the evidence for themselves. The same thing applies for mental poison such as pornography.

After much prayerful thought, I have concluded that the Seventh-day Adventist belief system is addicting spiritual pornography. It is very alluring, but its poison is toxic. Adventism's spiritual pornography divides our allegiance. It creates two masters - what the Bible teaches and the unique doctrines of Seventh-day Adventism. It is every bit as toxic as mental pornography. It affects not only men, but women. If we truly love our Adventist brothers and sisters, we cannot remain silent. God calls us to be lighthouses, to let our light shine, to lead people away from the spiritual pornography of Adventism, and into the Sabbath Rest that only Jesus can offer. No man can serve two masters.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Welcome to Crossroads

From Life Assurance Ministries

Most of you former Adventists out there know of and have great respect for Life Assurance Ministries. With affectionate gratitude I gave them my first and largest royalty check for our book, It's Okay NOT to be a Seventh-day Adventist. They have done a superb job on their magazine Proclamation.

This is from the newest addition:

Comparing Seventh-day Adventism with Historic Christianity

By Colleen Tinker, editor, Proclamation! magazine



The Bible, including Adventist paraphrase The Clear Word. Over 600 published titles with divine revelations and counsel by prophetess Ellen G. White (1827–1915), including The Desire of Ages and The Great Controversy.


The Bible, both Old and New Testaments



God is comprised of a unity of three co-eternal Persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—who are one in motive and purpose but not substance. God the Father is generally understood to possess a physical body. Both trinitarianism and Arian anti-trinitarianism are believed among active Seventh-day Adventists.


The triune God: one God in three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is Spirit.



Ellen G. White says God the Father exalted Jesus to be His Son, thus provoking Lucifer’s jealousy and a war in heaven. Jesus is our example to prove we can live sinlessly. His sacrifice on the cross did not complete the atonement; since 1844 He has been applying His blood in heaven in an ongoing “investigative judgment” after which He will return. Also identified as Michael the Archangel; most Adventist founders denied His deity.


The second Person of the Trinity. As God the Son, He has always existed and was never created. He is co-equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit and is fully God and man. He died on a cross as full sacrifice and atonement for our sin and rose from death on the third day. He is our Substitute in taking the guilt, punishment, and death for our sin.



Originally thought to be a force or power from God, today the Holy Spirit is understood to be the third Person of the Godhead.


The third Person of the Trinity.



Salvation by grace through faith, but maintained by commandment-keeping and repentance. Seventh-day (Saturday) Sabbath observance is the sign of the seal of God; Sunday worship is the mark of the beast.


Salvation is by God’s grace, not by an individual’s good works. It must be received by faith. Salvation is maintained by God’s grace and by His life which He grants when believers are born again by His Spirit.



The “investigative judgment” doctrine is unique to Adventism. Also called the “pre-Advent judgment” (or “sanctuary doctrine”), it is patterned after the details of the Israelite Day of Atonement described in Leviticus. It began in October 1844 when Jesus moved from the Holy Place to the Most Holy Place in the heavenly sanctuary, where he is investigating the records of professing believers. All sins which have been specifically confessed are finally pardoned; all which have been forgotten or otherwise unconfessed are placed back on the persons who committed them.

Jesus’ blood carries these sins of the saved into the Most Holy Place where they are held until the end of the investigative judgment. All confessed sins will be removed from heaven when Jesus completes His investigation and places them on Satan the scapegoat.

The years between 1844 and the end of the judgment, culminating in the Time of Trouble, are the “anti-typical Day of Atonement” in which we are currently living. Salvation is not determined until the end of the judgment.


Those who believe in Jesus’ death for their sin and in His resurrection from death do not come into judgment but pass from death to life (John 5:24). Those who believe in Jesus are not judged, because He took God’s judgment for sin in their place. Those who do not believe are judged already (John 3:18).



Satan, who will carry the sins of the saved out of heaven, thus cleansing the sanctuary. He will be punished for being the party responsible for causing the sins of those who are saved.


The Lord Jesus



Like the incarnate Christ, humans have no immaterial spirit, so at death the body goes into the ground and the breath goes to God. Nothing remains except in God’s memory. At judgment the lake of fire annihilates the wicked. The resurrection is essentially a re-creation of the person out of God’s memory.


The immaterial spirit of believers goes to be with Jesus. Both saved and lost people will be resurrected. Those who are saved will live with Jesus in Heaven. Those who are lost will suffer the torment of eternal separation from God (hell). Jesus’ resurrection is the promise that believers will receive glorified, resurrection bodies.



The Time of Trouble will occur at the end of the investigative judgment. God’s Spirit will be withdrawn from the earth, and God’s people will have to have attained perfection so they can withstand the Time of Trouble without a Mediator or Intercessor. Those who worship on Sunday will hunt and kill Sabbath-keepers, God’s true believers. The millennium will be spent in heaven; Satan will be “bound” by being restricted to an unpopulated earth. God will spend the millennium explaining His justice so all human questions will be answered. Those who are saved vindicate the character of God before sinless, created beings who live throughout the universe and observe the cosmic drama unfolding.


While specific details about the timing of the second coming and the rapture of believers varies, Christianity is united in believing that the issue of faith in Jesus will be the final test between those who are saved and those who are not. God is sovereign, and He owes no creation explanations for His justice and mercy. Jesus lives forever as the intercessor for believers; they never have to live without Him on the basis of their own perfection. Humans never vindicate God’s character to the universe; rather, the cross demonstrated God’s justice for all eternity (Romans 3:26).



The Adventist Church is God’s one, special, end-time remnant church. Old Testament clean/unclean meat laws observed. Adventist “health message” includes abstinence from alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine and advocates veganism. Traditionalist Adventists believe wearing jewelry is sinful. Massive missionary programs, which target nonbelievers as well as professing evangelicals, include “Revelation seminars,” health outreach. Ellen G. White found to have committed extensive plagiarism throughout her prophetic writings.


Other beliefs: There is only one church, and it is composed of all who have been born of the Spirit from the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) onward. Diet and health do not play a role in holiness or salvation. Jesus is God’s final word to mankind (Hebrews 1:1-3).